
STD Concern


Hepatitis B Infection

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Chronic Hepatitis B with Pills, Syringe & Stethoscope

Hepatitis B Symptoms, Testing and Treatment

By Dr. Edmiston

Hepatitis B is a kind of viral infection that attacks the liver and can lead to life-long disability, cancer, or even death. It is transmitted through contact with blood or other body fluids that contain the virus. A vaccine against Hepatitis B has been available since 1982 and is 95% effective at preventing infection.

Hepatitis B Symptoms

Most people do not know they have Hepatitis B until the infection is quite advanced. During the early phases, Hepatitis B generally does not cause symptoms.

In the rare cases that it does cause symptoms, they are generally similar to those of the flu and may include:

  • yellowing of the skin
  • dark urine
  • nausea,
  • extreme fatigue

Chronic Hepatitis B infection can lead to severe liver damage and cirrhosis. This can cause;

  • yellowing of the skin and eyes
  • pain, nausea, bloating,
  • problems with blood clotting, and more.

Not Your Symptoms  Click Here >>

Hepatitis B Transmission

Unlike many STDs, Hepatitis B can live outside the body for extended periods. In fact, it can live for at least 7 days without a human host. This means that objects harboring the virus can still cause infection for a week or more after being contaminated.

Hepatitis B is most commonly spread from mother to child during birth but can also be spread through sex, saliva, blood, needles (e.g. tattoo needles), razor blades, and during medical and dental procedures.

Note: Avoid Health Issues if your STD is Detected & Treated.

Hepatitis B Diagnosis

Hepatitis B can only be diagnosed with blood tests that look for certain antibodies against the virus. These tests can differentiate between acute and chronic Hepatitis B infection. Hepatitis B cannot be diagnosed by clinical exam or history.

Hepatitis B Testing

Home or Lab (Near Me)

Hepatitis B Treatment

There is no specific treatment for hepatitis B, but antiviral agents can help to keep the virus under control and prevent long-term complications. Treatment must be continued for a lifetime to be effective, and the virus never completely goes away. People with Hepatitis B can infect others at any time, even while they are being treated.

The most common treatments for Hepatitis B are interferon and lamivudine (Epivir). Interferon is a medicine that boosts immune system function. It can help to reduce liver problems and is given by injection every six months. Lamivudine is a pill (also comes as a liquid) that helps to stop the hepatitis B virus from replicating (growing and dividing).

The best way to protect against Hepatitis B is to get vaccinated. Most children are now vaccinated, starting at birth, with a 3-doses series. People who were not vaccinated at birth should consider vaccination if they:

  • work with blood or blood products regularly,
  • are in prison,
  • use injection drugs,
  • have someone living with them who is Hepatitis B positive,
  • work in health care, or
  • travel to areas where hepatitis B is common.

Is Hepatitis B Curable?

No, but most people will recover shortly. If a chronic infection happens it could be lifelong. (Cleveland Clinic)


To avoid being infected practice safe sex which includes using condoms and not engaging in sex with an infected person. If you have any of these symptoms you should be tested ASAP (as soon as possible) and sexual partners be contacted.

About the Author

He is a Medical Doctor with a B.S. in Biology. His passions are making health science readable and enjoyable for the general public.


Best: Test for 10 STDs at-Lab (Near Me)

Do I have an STD?

Some people can be Symptomless (No Symptoms) of infection for days, months & even years. Making it difficult to know if you have an STD without getting tested.

Unfortunately, STDs do have Similar Symptoms so it might be difficult to tell which Individual STD you have contracted without getting tested for Multiple STDs (Test Panel).

Why Get Tested?

  • To Positively Know if you have an STD Infection.
  • To Get Access to the right STD Treatment
  • To Avoid Health Issues connected with Untreated STIs.
  • To Avoid Legal Issues associated with Spreading STDs.



Best STD Home Test Kit

Test for 8 Common STDs

  • Chlamydia | Gonorrhea
  • Herpes | Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • HIV 1 | HIV 2
  • Hepatitis C

No Doctor or Lab Visit

Get Treated if Needed

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Disclaimer: Articles not intended to DiagnoseTreatCure or Prevent Diseases.

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