STD Symptoms
Health Issues caused by STDs in Your Body
By STD Concern
If you have Contracted an STD its presence in your body can make you feel Sick and Unwell. But some people can have No Symptoms of an STI for days, weeks, months & longer.
STDs are Highly Contagious & spread through sexual activity. These infections can be dangerous if left Untreated. Some of the issues are Infertility & Pregnancy Complications.
STD Signs & Symptoms
Below are just some of the symptoms caused by 10 Common STDs which includes Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A,B & C, Herpes, HIV, HPV, Syphilis & Trichomoniasis.
- Burning & Itching around affected area (Women)
- Painful Periods or Irregular Bleeding (Women)
- Pain while having Intercourse (Women)
- Unusual Vaginal Discharge with Odor (Women)
- Burning & Itching at the Penile Head (Men)
- Abdominal Pain & Dark Urine (Both)
- Cold Sores & Fever Blisters on Mouth (Both)
- Painful, Blistering Sores on the Genitals (Both)
- Persistent & Painful Urination (Both)
- Red Rash on Feet and Palms (Both)
- Swollen Genitals (Both)
- Small, round painless spots on Genitals or Mouth (Both)
See all 10 Common STDs >>
Non-STD Symptoms
If your experiencing Other Symptoms like Pink Eye, Flu-like Symptoms, Swollen Glands, Diarrhea & Skin Rashes, it could also be Signaling an STI. More >>
STD Tests
STD Tests at-Home (Kits)
STD Testing at-Lab (Near Me)
Fertility Tests
Women's Fertility Test at-Home
Health Tests
See All >>
Note: Avoid Health Issues if your STD is Detected & Treated.
5 Complications of Untreated STIs
STDs don't always cause symptoms, allowing their progression which increases your risk of a range of Serious Complications & Illness.
1. Infertility - If chlamydia and gonorrhea are left untreated, you can develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause infertility.
2. Pregnancy Complications - Even if you are able to successfully conceive when you have an untreated STI, during pregnancy there is a risk to your baby.
3. Increased Risk of Certain Cancers - The National Institutes of Health advises that certain strains of the human papillomavirus, which is responsible for genital warts, increase your risk of cervical, penile, mouth, throat and anal cancers.
4. Infection with HIV - All types of STI increase levels of inflammation within your body, which increases the number of immune cells in the infected area, allowing HIV to take hold more easily.
5. Death - There are currently about 30 deaths from Syphilis each year in the US, but when syphilis remains untreated, the mortality rate is over 50 percent.
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Am I at Risk of an STI
Estimates suggest that over Half the Population will contract an STI during their lifetime. Anyone who is Sexually active can Contract an STI, but some factors place you at higher risk. More >>
Are STDs Curable?
Some infections are curable with the Right Treatment (CDC), some the body will clear on its own and others can only be reduced by treatment.
STD Treatments
There are Treatments available for all types of STDs. Even if a cure isn't possible, treatment options exist to lessen the patient's symptoms and Improve Quality of Life.
What does STD & STI mean?
An STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) usually referrers to the actual disease you can contract. They were previously called VD (Venereal Diseases).
An STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) usually means you have an infection and includes other STIs like Pubic Lice. Both terms are interchangeable. See STI List >>
If you have STD Symptoms there is a good chance you have Contracted an STD. If your showing Other Symptoms like Swollen Glands, Flu, Rashes it could also Signal an STI. More >>
Some people can have No Symptoms (Asymptomatic) of an STD for days, weeks, months & longer. Making if difficult to tell if you have an STD without getting a Panel Test.
To avoid STDs practice Safe Sex which includes using Condoms & Not Engaging in sex with infected person(s). If you Need Help, see a Doctor and/or Get Tested.
STD - CDC Fact Sheet – Retrieved July 20, 2020
Panel: Test for 10 Common STDs in Your Area >>
3 Ways to Get Tested for STDs
How to know you have an STD is through testing. See Your Doctor, visit a Public Health Clinic in your Area or Buy (Home/Lab) Test with a Private Testing Service.
They can all find out (ASAP) if you have a problem (STD) and what course of action (Treatment) is needed. This way you'll get access to Proper Treatment (Prescription). More >>
Best at-Home STD Test Kit
Test for 8 Common STDs
- Chlamydia | Gonorrhea
- Herpes | Syphilis
- Trichomoniasis
- HIV 1 | HIV 2
- Hepatitis C
No Doctor or Lab Visit
Get Treated if Needed
Order Now >>
Disclaimer: Articles not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Diseases.
Issues | Infections | Education | Testing