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List of Eleven Common STIs

By STD Concern

These medical conditions are called Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) because they can spread through sexual activity. They are also referred to as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). These conditions maybe dangerous if left untreated and can affect Future Fertility & Sexual Virility.

Infection Types

  • Bacterial - Chlamydia | Gonorrhea | Syphilis
  • Parasitic - Pubic Lice | Trichomoniasis
  • Viral - Hepatitis A, B, C | Herpes | HIV | HPV


1. Chlamydia 

It is a highly contagious STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease). It is a bacterial infection called "chlamydia trachomatis" and can be treated and cured with antibiotics. It's a very common STI, especially amongst 14–24-year olds.

Curable with the Right Treatment. (CDC)


2. Gonorrhea

Formally nicknamed "the Clap", gonorrhea is another bacterial infection that's spread through semen and vaginal fluids. It's caused by a bacterium called "Neisseria gonorrhoeae". This STI can also be successfully treated with antibiotics.

Curable with the Right Treatment. (CDC)


3. Syphilis

The bacteria "Treponema Pallidum" causes this disease, which occurs in several phases. The stages of syphilis include primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary. It is a treatable but highly contagious sexually transmitted disease or STD. 

Curable with the Right Treatment but might not undo the damage caused by Syphilis if you waited too long to get treated. (CDC)


Note: Avoid Health Issues if your STD is Detected & Treated.


4. Pubic Lice

Also known as Genital Crabs or STD Crabs, are a relatively common - and easily treated - sexually transmitted disease. What sets pubic lice apart from the rest of the sexually transmitted diseases is the fact that they aren't always transmitted sexually.

Curable by using non-Prescription OTC (over-the-counter) Products from a local Drug Store or Pharmacy. (CDC)


5. Trichomoniasis

It is a sexually transmitted disease or STD. It is sometimes referred to as Trich or Trichomonas, and it is caused by a parasite known as "Trichomonas Vaginalis." This parasite is commonly found in sexual fluids, including vaginal, pre cum, and semen.

Curable with the Right Treatment. (CDC)



6. Hepatitis A  

Is a very contagious infection that attacks the liver, leading to tissue inflammation and decreased organ's function. People often contract hepatitis A from sexual contact, particularly oral sex, or from ingesting contaminated water or food.

Your body will clear this virus on its own. No specific treatment. (Mayo Clinic)


7. Hepatitis B  

It is a kind of viral infection that attacks the liver and can lead to life-long disability, cancer, or even death. It is transmitted through contact with blood or other body fluids that contain the virus. A vaccine against Hepatitis B has been available since 1982 and is 95% effective.

Not curable, but most people will recover shortly. If a chronic infection happens it could be lifelong. (Cleveland Clinic)


8. Hepatitis C 

It is another liver disease, which is often symptomless or its effects are very mild. An infected person's body is frequently able to fight off the virus, leading to a complete recovery. However, like hepatitis B, there is also the possibility of this illness becoming chronic.

With proper treatment, many people can be cured. (WHOIf a chronic infection develops it could be lifelong if not treated. (CDC


9. Herpes  

The 2 Types (strains) of herpes caused by the "Herpes Simplex Virus" (HSV) are Oral (HSV-1) and Genital (HSV-2). Symptoms will start showing up 4 days after exposure & last up to 4 weeks. Once you’re infected the following outbreaks tend to be milder.

No cure but there are treatments to shorten the outbreaks. (CDC)


10. HIV  

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the virus responsible for AIDS. HIV does not directly cause death but damages the immune system to such an extent that other infections, even common infections, can become fatal.

No cure but treatment will reduce the amount of HIV in your body. (CDC)


11. HPV 

The Human Papillomavirus is the name for a group of viruses that includes more than a 100 strains or types, of which around 40 can be sexually transmitted. 

Many people who contract HPV are unaware of it, as the virus often produces no symptoms. Others may develop genital warts or in rare cases, in their throat. 

No cure for HPV but treatments for health problems it causes. Genital Warts can go away with proper treatment or prescription meds. (CDC)



To avoid being infected practice safe sex which includes using condoms and not engaging in sex with an infected person. If you have any of these symptoms you should be tested ASAP (as soon as possible), and sexual partner(s) be contacted.

Best: Full Panel STD Test at-Lab (Near Me)

Do I have an STD?

Some people can be Symptomless (No Symptoms) of infection for days, months & even years. Making it difficult to know if you have an STD without getting tested.

Unfortunately, STDs do have Similar Symptoms so it might be difficult to tell which Individual STD you have contracted without getting tested for Multiple STDs (Test Panel).

Why Get Tested?

  • To Positively Know if you have an STD Infection.
  • To Get Access to the right STD Treatment
  • To Avoid Health Issues connected with Untreated STIs.
  • To Avoid Legal Issues associated with Spreading STDs.



Best at-Home STD Test Kit

Test for 8 Common STDs

  • Chlamydia | Gonorrhea
  • Herpes | Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • HIV 1 | HIV 2
  • Hepatitis C

No Doctor or Lab Visit

Get Treated if Needed

Order Now >>



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Disclaimer: Articles not intended to DiagnoseTreatCure or Prevent Diseases.

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