Individual or Panel
Should I get an Individual or Panel STD Test?
By STD Concern
Panel tests are recommended because STD Symptoms can be overlapping. It will probably cost less per STD if you get tested for 2 or more STDs (panel).
Individual Test
If you are Sure about your Symptoms or your Partner Tested Positive for that STD an Individual Test is available. The cost per STD tend to be higher with individual tests over panel.
Panel Test
If you are Not Sure about your Symptoms, had multiple Past Partners or just want to be Safe. STD Panel Tests are available. Getting a Full Panel test will check for the most common STDs.
About STD Testing
This website uses 2 main testing services to provide access to STD Testing at-Lab (STD Check) and STD Tests at-Home (My Lab Box). Because they are both "Private Testing Services" and not Public, they do require "Payment for Services."
STD Tests
STD Tests at-Home (Kits)
STD Testing at-Lab (Near Me)
Fertility Tests
Women's Fertility Test at-Home
Health Tests
See All >>
Note: Avoid Health Issues if your STD is Detected & Treated.
3 Ways to Get Tested for STDs
How to know you have an STD is through testing. See Your Doctor, visit a Public Health Clinic in your Area or Buy (Home/Lab) Test with a Private Testing Service.
They can all find out (ASAP) if you have a problem (STD) and what course of action (Treatment) is needed. This way you'll get access to Proper Treatment (Prescription). More >>
Best at-Home STD Test Kit
Test for 8 Common STDs
- Chlamydia | Gonorrhea
- Herpes | Syphilis
- Trichomoniasis
- HIV 1 | HIV 2
- Hepatitis C
No Doctor or Lab Visit
Get Treated if Needed
Order Now >>
Disclaimer: Articles not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Diseases.
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