About Testing
3 Ways to Get Tested for STDs
By STD Concern
How to know you have an STD is through testing. See Your Doctor, visit a Public Health Clinic in your Area or Buy (Home/Lab) Test with a Private Testing Service.
They can all find out (ASAP) if you have a problem (STD) and what course of action (Treatment) is needed. This way you'll get access to Proper Treatment (Prescription).
If you choose to get tested by a Public Health Clinic it will be with No Privacy, Your Doctor should be with Limited Privacy and a Private Testing Service would be with Full Privacy.
1. Your Doctor
Insurance with Limited Privacy.
Going to your family Doctor for STD Testing might be a good decision for you because this person would know your medical history and administering treatments could be easier. The testing would take place at their lab and would either be blood, urine, or saliva.
But if your uncomfortable talking about your symptoms & your sexual partner(s) to Doctor or their Nurse in person and on the phone then going to your Doctor might be an issue.
PROS and CONS of using your Family Doctor
- Access to the Right Treatment if needed.
- Fast Process.
- They know your medical history.
- Doctor Consultation before and after Testing. (Probably)
- Testing & Treatments covered by Health Insurance (Read Your Plan)
- Professional People.
- Peace of mind.
- They might have to contact Past & Present partners if your test positive.
- Expect your Doctor or Nurse to ask difficult questions if you test positive.
- Your Test will be recorded in Medical Information Bureau. (Health Insurance Rules)
- Test results are Not Private. (Depends on Doctor or Insurance Rules)
STD Tests
STD Tests at-Home (Kits)
STD Testing at-Lab (Near Me)
Fertility Tests
Women's Fertility Test at-Home
Health Tests
See All >>
Note: Avoid Health Issues if your STD is Detected & Treated.
2. Public Health Clinic
Free with No Privacy.
Going to a Public Health Clinic for a STD Testing will cost you nothing but expect some sort of Education in a classroom and a possible lecture if you "Test Positive."
Plus you can expect these officials to contact past and present sexual partners if you test positive (it's their job). Because of this friends, family or workplace might find out about your STI.
These clinics are usually run by public health departments from Local or State Governments. They will help to resolve Your Problem. No Nonsense People.
It will usually require you to go to their Test Center to take a blood, urine or saliva test than wait a few days for the results. These public health clinics might also have Home Testing Kits.
PROS and CONS of using Public Health
- Access to the Right Treatment if needed.
- Testing is Free.
- Treatments are Free.
- Professional People.
- Peace of mind.
- First Come First Serve. (Get in line).
- Lecture if you Test Positive. (Probably)
- STD Education in a classroom whether you test positive or not. (Probably)
- They will contact Past and Present partners. (Public Health Rules)
- Test results are Not Private.
3. Private Testing Service
Pay with Full Privacy.
If you want to use a Private Testing Service, you will have to pay for the Test and Treatment. Health Insurance will probably not cover this kind of testing. Private testing is thorough and affordable if you choose the right one.
This usually requires you to go to a Private Lab for a blood, urine or salvia test and then wait a few days for results. If you test positive you will have the option to talk to their doctors if you want about treatments and have them sent to your local pharmacy (if possible).
You can buy an STD Home Test Kit and have it sent to your residence. You will then provide a urine, saliva, or a blood sample by pricking your finger. Then you send it back to them and wait so many days.
They can provide Doctor Consultation if you test positive (optional) and the ability to Write Prescriptions (own discretion) and have them sent to your Local Pharmacy.
PROS and CONS of using Private Testing
- Access to the Right Treatment if needed.
- Fast & Discreet Process.
- Test Results are Private & Confidential.
- Your Name stays Private even if infected.
- No Lecture if you Test Positive.
- No STD Education if you test Positive.
- Get Tested at Home or Lab Near You.
- No Doctor Visit required (at-Home or at-Lab testing).
- No Lab Visit (at-Home Tests only)
- Doctor Consultation on Phone if you Test Positive (Optional).
- Professional People.
- Peace of mind.
- You pay for Testing.
- You pay for Treatments.
Why Should You Be Tested
Some of the reasons are to Get Access to the Right Treatment, avoid Health Issues associated with Untreated STIs and to avoid Legal Issues connected with Spreading STDs. More >>
All three options work, so choose the one your most comfortable with and can afford. Remember you can avoid complications if your STI is detected and treated.
Page Updated: Oct 23, 2024
Panel: Test for 10 Common STDs in Your Area >>
3 Ways to Get Tested for STDs
How to know you have an STD is through testing. See Your Doctor, visit a Public Health Clinic in your Area or Buy (Home/Lab) Test with a Private Testing Service.
They can all find out (ASAP) if you have a problem (STD) and what course of action (Treatment) is needed. This way you'll get access to Proper Treatment (Prescription). More >>
Best at-Home STD Test Kit
Test for 8 Common STDs
- Chlamydia | Gonorrhea
- Herpes | Syphilis
- Trichomoniasis
- HIV 1 | HIV 2
- Hepatitis C
No Doctor or Lab Visit
Get Treated if Needed
Order Now >>
Disclaimer: Articles not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Diseases.
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