
STD Concern


Common Infections

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Health Issues caused by Common Infections

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates there are over 1 million Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) a day and 357 million infections a year worldwide. That does not include all the other infections you need to know about.

Below are the 4 Major Types of Infections and their numerous diseases you could be suffering from & don't know it or will encounter in your lifetime.

  • Bacterial - Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Strep Throat, Syphilis...
  • Fungal - Athletes Foot, Ringworm, Yeast Infections...
  • Parasitic - Pubic Lice, Scabies, Trichomoniasis...
  • Viral - Herpes, Hepatitis C, Mononucleosis...

Learn about the different SignsSymptoms & Transmissions of these infections and available Treatments if exposed, plus how to avoid them if possible.

See all Issues >>


Woman washing Celery in  a Sink

How to Prevent Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is one of the most common causes of a non-painful red eye. The symptoms usually start in one eye, but can quickly spread to the other if poor hygiene is practiced.

Most pink eye is contagious, although in some cases an irritated  pink eye can be allergic in nature or due to chemical irritation rather than a bacterial or viral infection.

Pink Eye >>                             


Signs & Symptoms for 10 Common STDs

These Medical Conditions are referred to as STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections). Previously known as VD (Venereal Diseases). 

STDs are Highly Contagious & spread through Sexual Activity. These STDs can be dangerous if left Untreated. Some of the issues are Infertility & Pregnancy Complications.

10 Common STDs >>


Man with Pink Eye

What Causes a Persistent Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lungs that’s usually caused by a bacteria or virus, although fungi and protozoa can cause pneumonia too – particularly in people who have a poorly functioning immune system.

Pneumonia >>



Best at-Home STD Test Kit

Test for 8 Common STDs

  • Chlamydia | Gonorrhea
  • Herpes | Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis
  • HIV 1 | HIV 2
  • Hepatitis C

No Doctor or Lab Visit

Get Treated if Needed

Order Now >>


What Parents need to know about Scabies

Discovering your child has scabies may be distressing for you as a parent, but it's a common disease that affects all children regardless of their background.

Scabies >>


Five Things you Need to Know about Ringworm

Ringworm used to be a children's infection limited to the spring and summer but now children get it year-round. Known in the medical literature as tinea capitis or tinea tonsurans...

Ringworm >>


How to know you have an STD

The only way to know for sure is through testing. See Your Doctor, visit a Public Health Clinic in your Area or Buy (Home/Lab) Test with a Private Testing Service.

Learn More >>

Disclaimer: Articles not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Diseases.

Issues | Infections | Education | Testing